Foss A/S

The Cemotec Mill works on the tried-and-true principle of grinding between two discs, one stationary and one turning. The sample is introduced at the centre of the stationary disc …

CM 290 CemotecTM

The CM 290 Cemotec TM laboratory mill is ideal for preparation of grain and seed samples without loss of moisture for NIR or reference analy-sis. Safety is in focus and a modern …

Mill Collection

CM 290 Cemotec™ Typical CM 290 Cemotec™ particles size distribution CM 290 Cemotec™ can be used for dry and low fat samples, up to 15 % Moisture and 10 % Fat. …

cemotec 1090 дээжийн тээрмийн үндсэн үйл ажиллагаа

The Cemotec™ 1090 Sample Mill is specially designed to grind grain and seed samples. The Cemotec is based on a flow-through design for agricultural applications. The …

Tecator Cemotec 1090 Sample Mill — Northern Crops Institute

Tecator Cemotec 1090 Sample Mill . grinds grain and seed samples without losing moisture content; used for sample preparation with moderate requirements for …

Cemotec laboratory grinder with no loss of moisture

The CM 290 Cemotec™ is specially designed to grind grain and seed samples without losing moisture content. It is an excellent mill for all types of sample preparation where …

Геохимийн үйлчилгээ

Үүний тулд дээж авах, сорил, шинжилгээнд нь дээж бэлтгэх нь чухал юм. ... Лабораторийн орчинд нунтаглах ажилд тохиромжтой тээрэм, бункерийн төрлийг …

Mill Collection

Mill Collection CT 293 CyclotecTM, CM 290 CemotecTM, KN 295 KnifetecTM, HammertecTM, HM 294 Homogeniser and HM 297 Homogeniser Labtec™ Line The Mill …

Дээж авах арга аргачлал by nana nany on Prezi

Дээж авах хэрэгслүүд хийгдсэн материал нь дээжний нөлөөгөөр ямар нэгэн үйлчлэлд орох ёсгүй.Дээж авахад урьдчилан бэлтгэсэн байх ба бүх зайлшгүй …


The FOSS Mill Collection consists of four models: the CM 290 Cemotec™, CT 293 Cyclotec™, KN 295 Knifetec™ and Hammertec™ for flexible and safe sample …